New Media Arts, Inc

Avatar Repertory Theater is a project of New Media Arts, Inc.

New Media Arts, Inc. is a non-profit organization seeking to encourage and facilitate the production and enjoyment of the arts that are made possible by digital production and dissemination.

Its mission is to develop graphical, theatrical, literary, educational, library and other fine and practical arts on the Internet, in 3D graphical-user interfaces, multimedia, new generation computing devices, and other electronic and digital communication media.

Avatar Rep­er­tory Theat­er is a pro­ject of New Me­dia Arts, Inc., a non­profit or­gan­iz­a­tion, tax ex­empt un­der IRS Sec. 501(c)(3), EIN 27-2500171. We are grate­ful for dona­tions. They may be tax de­duct­ible, de­pend­ing on your tax cir­cum­stances and where you live.